Big Data Solution

As a competitive asset, data is key to differentiating your company from the rest of the pack. Our big data consulting and engineering services can help your company improve decision-making, accelerate innovation, enhance the customer experience, and drive operational efficiency.

Data Warehouse Modernization

We derive maximum value from your data with a much lower total cost of ownership when you switch to Vertica.

Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) refers to the procedural and technical infrastructure that collects, stores, and analyzes the data produced by a company's activities. BI is a broad term that encompasses data mining, process analysis, performance benchmarking, and descriptive analytics.

Data Integration & Marketing Analytics

Organize and store massive amounts of data within architecturally sound databases that optimize data space usage, processing times, and security.

Data Security and Governance

As the leader in data governance and catalog software, Mktechsol helps organizations across the world gain a competitive advantage by maximizing the value of their data across the enterprise.

Product Recommendation

Based on this technology, we build recommender systems that redefine the ways customers search for products or services and learn about new opportunities and goods they may be interested in.